Cyclops is an exploratory study for the future relationship between humans and robots. Cyclops quietly stands and simply observes humans as people walk or stop by. The peaceful human-robot eye contact is produced upon the smooth humane motion of the robot spine driven by the visual and infrared motion tracking system. The fragile aesthetics of the robot, consisting of exposed vertebrae, clear acrylic cylinder, and flexible tubing, also helps create an atmosphere never before seen between humans and robots. Cyclops was first commissioned by Japan’s National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation (MeSci) in 2001 as a part of its Robot Meme Exhibition and has been shown at various other sites since then.
MATERIALS: Photo-sensitive resin, Acrylic resin, Aluminum, Air muscles, Steel / DIMENSIONS: 380x270x2600mm / PROJECT STARTED: June 1987 / COMPLETED: December 2005 / DESIGN AND DIRECTION: Shunji Yamanaka / DESIGN ENGINEERING: Kinya Tagawa / SYSTEM DESIGN: Jun Homma (FLX STYLE Co., Ltd.) / FABRICATION: Nichinan Corp.
Cyclops is based on a development performed by the Jouhou System Kougaku Laboratory, the Faculty of Engineering, the University of Tokyo.